Jared Hall
Artist · Educator · Composer
June 18th, 2018: Jared Hall Quintet
The quintet had an incredible time at the 2018 Gene Harris Jazz Festival on the campus of Boise State University, Idaho this past April. To our delight, we had a packed house while we performed all the music of Hallways. In addition to the performance, I presented a clinic on harmony via The Piano Grip System inspired by the teachings of my teacher Whit Sidener. It was also awesome to perform with the John Daversa All-Star Big Band, especially when you have Bijon Watson playing lead! Since the establishment of a month residency at Tula’s Jazz Club at the beginning of 2018, I have been fortunate to present some wonderful artists, the most recent including alto saxophonist Vincent Herring and the Black Diamond Quartet based out of Chicago – IL.
June 6th, 2018: Workshops & Clinics
It has been a wonderful experience teaching, mentoring, giving clinics and adjudicating at more of the region’s festivals and schools to meet many of the region’s top educators and aspiring students. Some of these include the 2017 Cool Jazz-Clean Water Jazz Festival in Olympia, the Northlake Jazz Festival in Woodinville, the Riverside Jazz Festival in Auburn, the 2018 WMEA Comment Bay Solo & Ensemble Trumpet Division in Tacoma and Jane Addams Middle School in Seattle. If you’re interested in a clinic, workshop or private instruction, feel free to email me to set something up in the new school year!
It was a blast hosting the Friday night jam session at the International Trumpet Guild Conference 2018 held in San Antonio – TX to all levels and ages of jazz trumpeters, from beginners to very advanced. It was joy to spend quality time with Hub Van Laar and East Coast Trumpets – thank you both for the wonderful hospitality.
May 20th, 2018: Mentoring the Next Generation of Musicians
Having concluded, my one-year interim position as the Director of the University Jazz Ensemble and Private Instructor at Pacific Lutheran University was a fruitful learning and teaching experience. We collaborated with the Decatur High School Jazz Band, under the stellar direction of Jeff Chang, for their annual fundraiser. The Black Diamond Quartet gave an incredible lecture, performance and workshop. The Stadium High School Jazz Band, under the extraordinary direction of Adam Morrell, joined the PLU ensemble for an evening with alto saxophonist Vincent Herring, who also gave an open clinic to the area’s students and music directors. We concluded the year with a guest performance by Ron Jones’ Jazz Forest, featuring some of the Pacific Northwest’s most in-demand, skilled and creative musicians.
February 20th, 2018: Gene Harris Jazz Festival 2018
I am thrilled to share that my quintet will be performing at the 2018 Gene Harris Jazz Festival on the campus of Boise State University, Idaho this April! It will feature the music on the album 'Hallways' and musicianship of Alexey Nikolaev - tenor, Tal Cohen - piano, Ben Feldman - bass, and Kyle Swan - drums. In addition to the performance, I will be giving a clinic on harmony via The Piano Grip System inspired by the teachings of Whit Sidener. For addition media with videos, audio, photos as well as details on projects, both performance and educational, feel free to check in and like my Facebook Artist Page.
January 30th, 2018: Fall Projects & Local Groups
This past fall, I was fortunate to take part in multiple projects across the region which included the Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra (with Wycliffe Gordon and the sacred music of Duke Ellington), the Ron Jones’ Jazz Forest, The Bill Ramsey Big Band, The Seattle Hard Bop Collective, Phil Parisot Quintet, and Pete Christlieb’s Tall and Small. One of the most exciting shows was the Triple Trumpet Thursday at the Royal Room with Thomas Marriott and Nathan Breedlove – both outstanding musicians with a deep history of the instrument and local music scene.
January 15th, 2018: Workshops at Jazz Night School
I recently gave two improvisation workshops for all instruments and ages focusing on the language and concepts of trumpeters Blue Mitchell and Woody Shaw at Jazz Night School in Seattle. We explored Blue’s improvisational tactics on using the melody of tune, enclosures, bebop scales, how to build & shape a solo, rhythmic development, phrasing, and much more. With Shaw, we analyzed harmonic, tonal, and intervallic approaches and techniques used with recording references and transcribed solo excerpts (personally transcribed). In addition to a listening list and transcription handouts, the workshops included exercise examples and discussed how to practice and apply them in context. I am hoping to present public workshops about every six months, so if you have a topic in mind that would be of interest and value to you, please send me a note and let me know and stay tuned for upcoming improvisation and jazz workshops!
January 1st, 2018: VanLaar Trumpets
I am excited to represent VanLaar Trumpets & Flugelhorns as an endorsed artist! I have been performing on their Chuck Findley artist model trumpet which allows me to be both an expressive artist and versatile commercial musician when the occasion arises.
December 20th, 2018: Guest Performance's with Mount Si
I was fortunate to guest with Mount Si High School's Jazz 1 for two performances, one at Tula’s Jazz Club and the other in collaboration with Jazz Clubs Northwest at Wild Flower Wine Shop, in preparation for their trip to Chicago to perform at the Midwest Clinic with trumpeter Ingrid Jensen. The students brought energy and focus to the band stand each time, improving every performance – I heard the performance at Midwest Clinic was outstanding!
November 3rd, 2017: ‘Hallways’ Live on 88.5FM KNKX
We performed on 88.5 KNKX for a live, in-studio session, performing music from 'Hallways'. You can listen to the tunes and full interview here: http://knkx.org/post/jared-hall-blows-back-northwest
October 17th, 2017: ‘Hallways’ in Jazz Square
"Stylistically Hall continues in the modern mainstream hard-bop traditions. He himself plays very expressively, with great emotional power." -LEONID AUSKERN, Jazz Square. You can check out the full article here: http://jazzquad.ru/index.pl?act=PRODUCT&id=4793
September 26th, 2017—‘Hallways’ in Midwest Record
“A tasty, adventurous set that finds these cats feeling their oats and not going gently into that good night to play cocktail jazz, this is thinking man's, sitting down hot stuff." –Chris Spector, Midwest Record. You can check out the full article here: http://midwestrecord.com/MWR1277.html
September 15th, 2017—“Hallways” South Florida Tour
Despite the trauma and damage hurricane Irma caused to my friends in South Florida, the music of “Hallways” was presented in a week-long tour at multiple venues including the Arts Garage (Delray Beach), Le Chat Noir (Miami), Soho Beach House (Miami Beach) and The Open Stage (Coral Gables). It was a wonderful time sharing this music while reconnecting with friends and colleagues. If you’re interested in hearing live excerpt of Aphelion, a friend shared this audio-only clip with me from our show at Le Chat Noir: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNAXzOO_yHQ
August 27th, 2017—‘Hallways’ 2017—on KNKX’s Jazz Northwest
My original composition "Tones for Jones", not to be confused the Chick Corea tune, is a blues tune tribute to my influential band director Michael Jones and was featured on Jim Wilke's Radio Program Jazz Northwest along with new music from incredible musicians in the area and beyond. Thank you Jim for all your support of NW artists! You can hear the previous program here ("Tones of Jones" is at about 58:30): http://knkx.org/post/new-releases-northwest-artists
June 24th, 2017—‘Hallways’ in All About Jazz
Multiple reviews for album “Hallways” are in: "...Hall's expressive, probing trumpet style, offers a masterful, wide ranging sound, and varied emotional landscape." –Paul Rauch, All About Jazz, 4/5 Stars. You can check out the full article here: https://www.allaboutjazz.com/hallways-jared-hall-hollistic-musicworks-review-by-paul-rauch.php?width=1920
June 16th, 2017—'Hallways' on KNKX's Jazz Northwest
The title track of ‘Hallways’ was featured on Jim Wilke's Jazz Northwest last Sunday, June 11th along with new music from incredible musicians in the area and beyond. You can hear the previous program here (‘Hallways” starts about 8:55): http://knkx.org/post/christian-mcbride-westerlies-and-more-jazz-northwest
June 9th, 2017—Guest Performance with TCC
In early June, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to give a clinic and perform as a guest artist with the Tacoma Community College Jazz Band in Tacoma, WA. Under the great direction from Eric Stevens, the band sounded wonderful playing the music of Thad Jones, Count Basie, Marian McPartland, and even Chuck Mangione. Thanks to Eric, Dr. John Falskow, and the whole band for a successful and enjoyable evening.
June 3rd, 2017—'Hallways' Charts Available
If you’re an educator who enjoyed the music of ‘Hallways’ and would like new music for your small group to perform, I setup an online store where you can purchase the full quintet hard copies including individual parts and a full score, with quality paper & binding, free shipping included. If interested in a bulk purchase, email me and I can give you a discount on multiple charts. More information can be found at: http://www.jaredhall.net/charts
June 1st, 2017—'Hallways' in Earshot Jazz
”Hall employs a pleasant palette of sounds, blended smoothly, balanced by sharp intellect and refined craft.” -Steve Griggs, Earshot Jazz. You can check out the full write-up here, as well as other great information on artists and events in the local area: https://www.earshot.org/project/june2017-record-choice-recent-local-releases/
May 24th, 2017—Hallways Available Now!
I'm excited to announce my debut album ‘Hallways’ is now available on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, Band Camp, & Hollistic Musicworks. I think you'll enjoy the variety of sounds and hope you can take a minute to listen to some of the sample tracks.
March 26th, 2017—Hallways Preview
My debut album, titled Hallways, will be released this Spring 2017. It features nine original compositions with producer Brian Lynch and the talents of Troy Roberts-tenor saxophonist, Martin Bejerano & Tal Cohen-piano, Josh Allen-bass, & Kyle Swan-drums. I am excited to share a short preview of the Meditations, Wanderer, and Brother Spiro via YouTube from the studio session.
March 23rd, 2017—Mentoring the Next Generation of Musicians
In early January, the Seattle Academy of Arts & Sciences had their jazz night featuring jazz combos and big bands. I was very fortunate to be invited as a guest artist to perform with the jazz band and one of the combos.
The Pacific Lutheran Honor Jazz Band is a wonderful program led by Dr. David Deacon-Joyner every January which features outstanding high school students from all around the Western Washington area. Given the opportunity to present a clinic with the jazz trumpeters this year, I discussed topics such as scale practice, improvisation with drones, range & flexibility development, dexterity, and transcribing.
My workshops, The Art of Jazz Transcription and How to Practice, Apply, and Incorporate Transcribed Language to Your Playing, at the The Jazz Night School on Saturday, February 8th were well attended and featured musicians of all backgrounds.
I was invited to joined forces with the jazz combo at Juanita High School and their band director Annemarie Smith for their 88.5 KNKX live studio session performance on February 14th. We had a wonderful performance including arrangements of the tunes Little Sunflower, Stolen Moments, and Bernie’s Tune. KNKX has a School of Jazz Mentor Program where they pair up local school bands with active jazz professionals in the local area. You can hear the student’s performance on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42obViaffQE&feature=share
I was in Spokane, Washington (my hometown!) this past week on March 21st and 22nd to present clinics and give lessons at Eastern Washington University and my alma mater, Whitworth University. Sharing stories and advice, performing a tune with Jazz I and Jazz II, giving feedback, and visiting with Christopher Parkin and Daniel Keberle was a blast. Dan helped me correct my embouchure, get over my performance anxiety, build a routine, and learn what it meant to practice. I use his teaching methods daily and continue to meditate on those lessons. It was great seeing and talking trumpet with Andy Plamondon and his trumpet studio. As a kid, I attended his clinics, was critiqued in solo festivals, and worked with him in the EWU All-State Jazz Band. These music educators made a big difference for me and I am thankful for their influence and help.
January 8th, 2107—Jazz Education Network 2017
I had the honor to present oral history research on Whit Sidener and His Influence on Jazz Education at the Jazz Education Network Conference in New Orleans. I believe it was well received and appreciate all the positive feedback for this project. I want to send a big thank you to all who attended and to Whit, Randy Brecker, and Ed Calle for their interviews. I was fortunate to be invited to perform alongside the stellar trumpeters in Ed Calle’s Mamblue, winner of the 2015 Latin Grammy Award Winner for Best Instrumental Album. Even though I was very sick throughout the entire conference, it was wonderful to see colleagues and friends from both Indiana University and the University of Miami.
December 28th, 2016—Piano Grip System Book Update
The Piano Grip System is currently being reviewed by a few well-known publishers. Be on the lookout for it this Spring! Some praise is already coming in and I thought I would share this comment with you:
“Trumpeter Jared Hall has created an invaluable resource for jazz performers, educators, and students alike, with this comprehensive and detailed presentation of renowned educator Whit Sidener’s “Grip System”. A highly effective method of learning the intricacies and nuances of both standard and modern jazz harmony, this proven system has been taught to students for over 30 years with fantastic results. A must buy!”
Martin Bejerano, Assistant Professor, Jazz Piano
Frost School of Music at The University of Miami
August 1st, 2016—Debut CD Recording and Miami Shows
I will be headed down to Miami September 1st to September 6th to record my debut album as a band leader. The recording will primarily feature original music with the talents of Troy Roberts-tenor saxophone, Martin Bejerano & Tal Cohen-piano, Josh Allen-bass, and Kyle Swan-drums. I am fortunate to have Brian Lynch as the record producer. In addition to recording, the band will present this music live at Le Chat Noir in Miami on September 2nd from 10pm-1am.
July 4th, 2016—JEN 2017
I have been invited to the Jazz Education Network Conference 2017 in New Orleans to present my oral history research on Whit Sidener and His Influence on Jazz Education. I look forward to reconnecting with many Indiana University and University of Miami friends, colleagues, and mentors in early January of 2017.
June 27th, 2016—The Piano Grip System Book
I am excited to announce that my 150-page book, The Piano Grip System: An Approach to Jazz Harmony will be co-authored with Whit Sidener, the originator of this piano harmony method. It has been more than three years in the making and could not have been completed without Whit’s assistance. For a preview on what the book will offer click on PIANO GRIP SYSTEM.
May 31st, 2016—A Jazz Reflection
Re-posting of a message I wrote that had an impact via Facebook:
A Jazz Reflection: Sometimes being a “nice guy” in this “jazz” and music business makes you feel like you’re not going to “make it.” I have been “vibed” (some instances worse than others—and could tell you some stories…) in every new school, city, and scene I have been involved with since I have embarked on this journey years ago. Of course it is not an easy road—I knew it wouldn’t be. You have to be ready for an uphill battle at times (or all times). The hard road will help you grown and learn if you have the right mindset. Listening to some of the best players in the business, I have tried to abide by certain guidelines, such as “don’t speak ill of your fellow musician.” We should lift up our fellow musicians, not tear them down. If you don’t have anything positive to say, just stay quiet. Distinguish what opinions you should keep to yourself. People know if a person can play or not, so why discuss it. This music struggles enough without further negativity. I’ve seen musicians be truly nasty to those aspiring to play. Treat every player as a human being first. Build up the music community and music scene in your area. Always offer the highest quality of this art form to your community. Always be respectful, kind, and courteous to all. Search out for those positive, imaginative, and hardworking people. I have been drawn to this music as a creative person who gets a high from practicing, learning, growing, playing with musicians better than me, hearing live music, listening to the newest records, and most importantly being in an environment where I can explore and make creative music. My mentors and heroes are that way. I am interested in those kinds of musicians and people.
April 30th, 2016—International Jazz Day Celebration 2016
My quartet had another successful performance (the 2nd) in presenting music from the history of jazz including the music of Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Chick Corea, and others for an International Jazz Day Celebration at Soho Beach House in Miami, FL. Hope we can do it again next Spring!
February 14th, 2016—Rick Margitza Big Band Recording Session
I had a wonderful time recording with the South Florida Jazz Orchestra featuring the amazing Rick Margitza. The band sounded incredible! And the trumpet section was stacked with the talents of Brian Lynch, John Daversa, Augie Haas, and Jesus Mato.
January 12th, 2016—JEN 2016 Performance with Brian Lynch
I was fortunate to be invited to perform with Brian Lynch’s Madera Latino: The Latin Side of Woody Shaw at the Jazz Education Network Conference 2016 in Louisville, KY. It featured trumpeters Randy Brecker, Ingrid Jensen, and Brad Goode. Time to go practice…
December 10th, 2015—Joining the Jazz Night School Teaching Team
I have been substituting at the Jazz Night School in Seattle, WA since the early fall, but will join them as a primary instructor this upcoming winter session teaching small group combos and a jazz piano-harmony class.
July 30th, 2015—Move to Seattle, WA
My wife Jaclyn and I have moved to the Seattle, Washington area in order to be closer to family based in Spokane. I will be freelancing as a full-time performer and educator while searching for a full-time collegiate position. Jackie has received an opportunity to teach Kindergarten in the public school district of South Kitsap. I am so very proud of her for this next step in her career! Update March 2016: She was recently recognized as Teacher of the Year at her school!
June 1st, 2015—Joining the Young Musician’s Teaching Team
I’ll be joining the faculty for the Young Musician’s Summer Camp 2015 teaching improvisation, small group jazz, rhythm section ensemble, and classical trumpet.
May 9th, 2015—Graduation from the University of Miami
I am excited to announce I have officially graduated from the University of Miami with my Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Jazz Performance after three years of intense study, teaching, and performing. I am thankful for all the support and feedback of my mentors Brian Lynch, Whit Sidener, John Daversa, Stephen Zdzinski, and Terence Blanchard.